There is a world that is inhabited by mysterious and powerful creatures called Pocket Monsters, or Pokémon for short. For the time eternal, both humans and Pokémon have interacted with each other, befriended each other and fought alongside each other in tournaments. In the small town of Pallet Town in the Kanto region, a brash 10-year old trainer named Ash Ketchum dreams of becoming a Pokémon Trainer to travel across the world and earn the title of "Pokémon Master". But when he is late to picking up his first Pokémon from the town's local Professor and ends up with an unruly Pikachu, his life as a Pokémon Trainer begins in a rather fun but challenging way as Ash must forge his bond with his new friend as well as discovering the secrets of the world they're living in. As Ash begins to earn Pikachu's trust on the first day of their journey together, they witness the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh fly overhead, and pick up one of its feathers. From there, Ash and Pikachu promise to find Ho-Oh again as they travel the Kanto region, meeting up with new friends Sorrel and Verity on Ash's journey to become a Pokémon Master.